Beautiful and Delicious Summer Soups

It seems to me that when it’s hot and humid outside, heavy foods are especially unwelcome in the belly—which is just one reason why I think you will enjoy this easy, delicious, and cooling Summer Broccoli and Carrot Soup! It will serve as a great centerpiece for a vegetarian or vegan meal and will add bright colors to the omnivore’s table as a refreshing appetizer or side dish.
Although it’s not official yet, it sure feels like summer in the Carolinas and beyond. It’s already hit the mid 90s in Raleigh, and a friend reports that the Palm Springs area is bracing for 115 degrees in the coming days. During the hot days ahead, a light soup that cools the body is an excellent complement to any meal.
According to Ayurveda, broccoli has a cooling effect on the metabolism. Cooked carrots are also fine for the pitta constitution, and coconut milk will definitely cool you down! My initial instinct was to create this soup with lots of cilantro, which is also very cooling, but I made it with fresh dill instead so it will appeal to those who have an aversion to cilantro. I tried it with cilantro as well, but as it turns out, the dill seemed more delicious to both my husband and me! You could certainly serve this soup chilled, though my preference is room temperature. I imagine most readers have air conditioning for this time of year, so the soup will cool down enough to feel comfortable, without weakening digestion (as cold food and beverages will do).
Let this Summer Broccoli and Carrot Soup kick off your creative cooking exploration for beautiful and delicious summer dishes!
PS Check out these other summer soup recipes, all gluten-free and vegan or vegetarian with a vegan option: Roasted Beet & Fennel, Corn Chowder, Cucumber Soup, and Creamy Zucchini. You’ll also find Avocado and Cucumber Soup on page 93 of Sacred & Delicious: A Modern Ayurvedic Cookbook. Carrot Soup with Coconut Milk is on page 99.