My Favorite Things: Capomo

Today I’m introducing a new section of the Sacred & Delicious Blog called My Favorite Things, and I’m launching it with a yummy coffee alternative called Capomo! If you love the taste of coffee but have given it up for any number of excellent reasons, which I enumerate later, you’re in for a treat!
Capomo is the name Tattva’s Herbs gives this coffee alternative made from the maya nut, which they claim is one of “nature’s premier antioxidants.” That may be, but I love this drink just for its divine flavor! Want some “bliss in every cup”? Try Capomo!
You can make Capomo in a coffee pot, drip coffee maker, or with a Melita. I gave all of those kitchen gadgets up when I swore off caffeine, so I simply bring a few teaspoons of the powder to a boil with water, let it simmer for a few minutes, and strain it into a mug. I love it with a dash of stevia and freshly made almond milk—so simple if you own a Vitamix. Suit yourself; some folks prefer it black.
I gave up coffee more than 25 years ago because caffeine made my heart race and kept me awake at night. I had the same sad experience with coffee ice cream. Gastro docs advise patients who suffer from acid reflux or have ulcers to avoid coffee because of its acidity. Coffee is also said to counteract some homeopathic remedies.
From an Ayurvedic perspective, I think a cup of hot Capomo is ideal for vata and kapha types, who tend to be cold. The maya nut is naturally warming, so I suggest that people with pitta problems drink it in moderation.
Capomo’s flavor is so similar to coffee I no longer feel deprived. It’s no wonder that this is the first of My Favorite Things!
P.S. You can get a free sample (plus postage) here.